December 30, 2016 | News and Announcements, Notice, Public Notice, Special Meeting
In Accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Public Notice is hereby given that the Governing Body of the City of Elephant Butte, New Mexico will meet in executive session on Wednesday, January 4, 2017 at 10:00am in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 103 Water Street,...
December 14, 2016 | City Council - Regular, Lodgers Tax Board, Monthly Meeting Notice, News and Announcements, Notice, Potential Quorum Notice, Public Notice
In accordance with Section 10-15-1, NMSA 1978, notice is hereby given that the City of Elephant Butte, New Mexico, County of Sierra will hold the following meetings in 2017: All meetings will be held at City Hall, 103 Water Street, Elephant Butte, New Mexico, unless...