Notice is hereby given that Ordinance 172 was adopted during a duly advertised public meeting of the governing body of the City of Elephant Butte, NM on February 7, 2018.
Ordinance 172 is referenced as an Ordinance authorizing the City of Elephant Butte to enter into a loan agreement with the New Mexico Environment Department for the purpose of obtaining project loan funds in the principal amount of $425,000 at 0% interest; designating the use of the funds for the purpose defined in the most current project description form as approved by NMED; declaring the necessity for the loan; providing that the loan will be payable and collectible solely from the borrower’s pledged revenues; prescribing other details concerning the loan and the security for that purpose.
This ordinance can be reviewed in its entirety at City Hall, 103 Water Street, From 8am -12pm and 1pm – 5pm Monday through Friday, or online at
/S/ Karen Rieth, CMC, CPO
Posted: February 14, 2018
Effective Date: February 19, 2018