Notice is hereby given that the City Council will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 2:00pm, In Council Chambers at 103 Water Street, Elephant Butte, NM  87935.  The purpose of the hearing shall be to consider approval of a Governmental Liquor License for the City of Elephant Butte whose address is PO Box 1080, 103 Water Street, Elephant Butte, NM  87935; doing business as Smokin’ Turtle;  located at 101 Clubhouse Drive, Elephant Butte, New Mexico.

Please contact the City Clerk at 575-744-4982 X100 with questions or at least 48 hours in advance of the public hearing should you require special accommodations.

/S/ Karen Rieth, CMC

Posted:    10/11/2017
Sentinel:  10/13/2017