City Council—One (1) two-year term is vacant on the City of Elephant Butte City
Council. Applicants must be a registered voter and resident of the incorporated city limits
of Elephant Butte. Meetings are once per month unless a special meeting is required.
Lodgers’ Tax Advisory Board—One (1) full-time board member seat to be filled by a
member at large and one (1) alternate seat to be filled by an owner/manager within the
tourism or hospitality industry. Meetings are quarterly. Applicants must meet the standards set forth by the state and adopted by the city.
Hospital Governing Board Member— One (1) Volunteer. Meetings are once per
Letters of interest can be submitted to the City Clerk in person, via email or by mail to PO Box 1080 Elephant Butte, NM 87935
Lindsey Cobleigh-City Clerk
Posted: March 1 2024
See original notice