Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan: 2018 – 2022

The City of Elephant Butte is seeking public input on the City’s Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP) for 2018 – 2022. The intent of this plan is to prioritize City funding needs over the next five years. The draft plan lists priorities as follows:
1. Construct Wastewater Collection Lines
Description/Scope of Work: Design and construct wastewater collection lines to include the protection of drinking water quality, protect Elephant Butte Lake quality and allow for economic development.
2. Water System Capital Improvements
Description/Scope of Work: Design, construct and upgrade system for capacity, volume and fire flow. Phased project would include increased water lines from approximately 3″ in most locations to 6-8″ diameters and include up to 50 new hydrants in critical areas.
3. Storm and Surface Water Control
Description/Scope of Work: Storm/surface water design, acquire and construct drainage for all lands within the original municipal limits of Elephant Butte, approx. 1800 acres. Ameliorate damage to roads and property during heavy rainstorms and provide access for emergency vehicles.
4. City Facilities Improvements
Description/Scope of Work: To improve and upgrade city buildings. Vision for several sites is to develop a unified civic focal point named “City Center” and to remodel existing Fire Station.
5. City Streets Improvements
Description/Scope of Work: Design and construct city street improvement to include paving streets that are high traffic collectors and the city will rehabilitate various local streets. Paving will ameliorate drainage problems within the City limits and facilitate traffic to commercial areas.
6. Parks and Walking Paths
Description/Scope of Work: Following the Comprehensive Plan the City will complete a design plan for construction of walkways and parks to improve the quality of life in the community.
7. Regional Animal Shelter
Description/Scope of Work: Design and construct a new animal shelter. The communities in Sierra County need to provide for stray animals to protect its citizens from the dangers inherent due to non-immunized and/or potentially dangerous animals running at large.
8. Furnish Equipment for New Regional Hospital
Description/Scope of Work: Secure the necessary equipment for the new regional hospital to serve the needs of Sierra County residents and visitors.
9. BLM Land Improvement
Description/Scope of Work: Plan to acquire, develop and plan additional land for the citizens of Elephant Butte, our guests and tourists.
10. Land Acquisition
Description/Scope of Work: Plan, design and construct an industrial park.
PLEASE NOTE: The City Council will be voting on this plan at the next City Council meeting on August 17, 2016 at 2pm. Citizens are invited to attend and provide input on this plan at that time. In addition, comments/input can be provided via email to City Manager Andrew Finzen at